If you’re running a campsite in the mountains or a woodland adventure center, your customers may be looking to escape from the demands and stresses of everyday life, but they rarely want to be totally disconnected. Reliable broadband internet is increasingly expected wherever people go.
That’s where we can help.
Our solution continuously tracks your internet performance, ensuring your guests and visitors stay connected, even in the most secluded locations. When issues arise, our agents let your team remotely diagnose and resolve problems swiftly, without compromising your guests’ experience.

Continuous monitoring
plug-in an agent or download the app for easy performance monitoring

Ad-hoc troubleshooting
download the app from any device to remotely troubleshoot internet issues

Simple installation
just load the Epitiro app or power up our plug-in agents

Low-cost and high-scale
a solution that scales to hundreds, or thousands, of agents

Remote visibility from any web browser
log-in to your cloud account for agent control and visibility from anywhere

Real-time interaction
run or pause scheduled/automated tests at any time

Secure end-to-end communications
all messages and communications are encrypted and secure

A library of built-in tests
perform radio scans, throughput measurements, traceroute, iPerf3 and many other tests