Whether guests are staying in a high-end international hotel, campsite or RV park, or simply visiting their favorite restaurant or local bar, they expect a reliable internet connection to stay connected with the world.

Businesses in the hospitality industry rely on customer reviews for their success, and poor connectivity can quickly lead to negative feedback and decreased satisfaction.

Epitiro’s internet monitoring solution offers real-time visibility into how your service is performing across the key locations where customers expect connectivity, from guest areas in your restaurant to the entire grounds of a resort hotel.

We measure metrics such as speed, accessibility and availability, and when your service is not meeting your goals, you’ll receive an alert and supporting data immediately so you can swiftly rectify the problem.

Our free app also means you can remotely access and temporarily control a device on site, running diagnostic tests and resolving issues from any location to get your guests back to seamless and uninterrupted connectivity.

Whether you’re catering to white-gloved travelers or those with muddy boots, you can ensure reliable internet access and performance at any hospitality location.


Continuous monitoring

plug-in an agent or download the app for easy performance monitoring

Ad-hoc troubleshooting

download the app from any device to remotely troubleshoot internet issues

Simple installation

just load the Epitiro app or power up our plug-in agents

Low-cost and high-scale

a solution that scales to hundreds, or thousands, of agents

Remote visibility from any web browser

log-in to your cloud account for agent control and visibility from anywhere

Real-time interaction

run or pause scheduled/automated tests at any time

Secure end-to-end communications

all messages and communications are encrypted and secure

A library of built-in tests

perform radio scans, throughput measurements, traceroute, iPerf3 and many other tests

How to measure and score Wi-Fi performance

Read our whitepaper on internet performance monitoring and how to define ‘good’ or ‘poor’ Wi-Fi service.


Find out how Epitiro can help in our 30-minute demo
– no commitment, no credit card.